Gain Energy conducts all market operations of your renewable power plant 24/7, and fully undertakes all energy imbalance costs.

GAIN Energy foracasts hourly production of your renewable park and sends them to market operator (EPİAŞ) and transmission system operator (TEİAŞ), as well as revises those forecasts 24/7 and conducts active balacing operation in the intraday market in order to minimize deviations. Gain Energy also undertakes all energy imbalance and KUPST (Finalized Production Program Deviation Amount) costs occured due to those deviations.

With our energy management services, you save your time by transfering your market operations to Gain Energy, as well as you completely eliminate the risk of imbalance costs.

You can contact us anytime to be informed about our business models suitable for all hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal power plants.